SINGA SONG now on Bandcamp

My new single SINGA SONG is now Bandcamp. If you want to stream the song or support me directly, you can by checking the song on Bandcamp. So, go check the vibes of the fusion style I call New age Dancehall..Nuff Respect!

New single- “SINGA SONG” is out today

SINGA SONG is the latest single from master Dancehall fusionist Mista Chatman. With this tune, he expresses his love for singing and chatting over a lo-fi, downtempo jazzy hip hop beat. SINGA SONG is the perfect soundtrack for those who enjoy the fusion of Dancehall music with other genres. Whether you’re at home, in the car, or out with friends, SINGA SONG is the perfect addition to your playlist. With this new release, Mista Chatman continues to push boundaries and create music that reflects his unique style and creative vision.

For more info, follow the link:

#SundayMemory Mista Chatman- SOLVE THE PROBLEM (Seattle 2020)

Flashback to Seattle 2020, winding down from what some referred to as the “Summer Of Love” I wrote this song which detailed many of the problems experienced during the time. Protests, CHOP, Unemployment, Defunding police, mask wars and of course the major problem of homelessness which continues to be a unsolved problem nearly 2 years after I recorded this. And some scenes in this video were filmed inside the infamous City Hall Park which was closed last year due to excessive violence.

TELL ME WHAT U WANT EP now on Bandcamp

Now you can get the TELL ME WHAT U WANT EP on Bandcamp. This platform is best for streaming the entire EP and purchasing the tracks you like or the whole EP. Just check out the player above…NUFF RESPECT!!!


I was fulla confidence and high vibration when I wrote this post on Facebook & IG last week in Chicago. Why is that? Well, read the post and you’ll see! It was really and truly a great moment……

From this day on I will move with even more confidence than I already have. Why is that? Because last nite I showed my ma the video that I posted of me doing the morning walk with my tune “Ram Party” playing inna background and she loved it!! And she does not listen to secular music but she is big into movies and tv shows and was impressed how the music matched the video. So that’s it, no more confirmation needed! I already knew I was good and getting my family’s stamp of approval pushed it up higher. So, if a person doesn’t vibe with what I do, that’s fair enough. But if ANY bwoy or gal tries to tell me it’s not good enough, just keep it to yourself cos I’m not hearing you..WE RUN TINGS!!! 🆙🔝 me say!!! 💯🦁👑🔥🔥🔥 #FamilyFirst #LifeAndTimesOfTheChat #CHATLIFE #WindyCityLife #UrbanRasta #Dancehall #HipHopReggae #Reggaeton #ReggaeFusion

CHINATOWN (1hr beat & location challenge)

It was a week ago today that I combined 2 challenges, the 1hr beat & new location. So, I decided to head over to the #InternationalDistrict #Chinatown for lunch and decided to stay in the area for the 1hr beat. I did it in #HingHayPark and walked around and took pics of the area. Here’s a lil vid of the experience and the beat..and if you go to Tai Tung, get the Roast Duck!!! #Seattle #KingStreet #ChineseFood #RoastDuck #TaiTung #Jackson #HipHopReggae #RiddimBoxAndAMic #CHATLIFE #ChatAttakProductions #1hourChallenge #20DaysOfFocus

If you’re different, they’re gonna hate

If you move different from your community or clique, the haters will come. But regardless, still DO YOU!! March to the beat of your own drum! #BeDifferent #BeOriginal #BeUnique #MarchToTheBeat #CreateYourOwnLane #ignorethehaters #StayFocused #CHATLIFE #ChatAttakProductions #ReggaeFusion #Reggae #HipHopReggae #Seattle #20DaysOfFocus